FLyefit Dumbbells

Sophie Kavanagh

Personal Trainer

  • Hypertrophy training
  • Body Confidence
  • Fat Loss

Phone 0877040532

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Hi, my name is Sophie.

I am a personal trainer here in flyefit swords. I am an EQF Level 4 qualified personal trainer and hold a Level 3 in Fitness Instruction and Group Instruction.

My aim as a trainer is to implement a healthy and sustainable lifestyle to my clients that is realistic while creating healthier habits. I want to make positive changes to peoples lives through fitness and help people to love themself that little bit more and live a healthier life.

Whether your goal is fat loss, hypertrophy, strength training or just overall general improved cardiovascular health, I am here to listen to your goals and wants and will create a program that will cater to everything needed to help you reach that goal. Please feel free to contact me and arrange a consultation at any time!!


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