Personal Trainer
Email: kianclarke.fitness@gmail.com
Phone : 0852334676
Hi My name is Kian,
I am one of the Personal Trainers here in FLYEfit Tallaght.
I’ve been heavily involved in fitness from a very young age and have always wanted to keep developing my skills to better myself and anyone I meet in the Fitness Industry both Mentally + Physically.
I have a background in sports, specifically Football. I’ve been involved with The Irish International Team from the age of 14 – 20 and I’ve been involved in 2 European Championships while also having past experience working with some of the highest Qualified Trainers in the Football + Fitness Industry Worldwide.
My Qualifications in the Fitness Industry:
1️⃣Qualified Personal Trainer
2️⃣Kettlebell Instructor
3️⃣Suspension Trainer
4️⃣Spin Instructor
5️⃣Strength + Conditioning Coach
Aside from Sport Specific Athletes, I’ve worked with + trained, the main people I work with are the General Population. Just normal people who might be shy or struggling on a journey towards a specific goal and with the correct guidance and accountability to make the process as smooth and easy as possible for you while being educated along the way and enjoying every part of the process.
No matter what your goal is I can guarantee you will get the results you need as long as you follow the process and stay consistent. All you need to do now is take the first step and ask for help.
Contact me or just catch me on the gym floor for a chat and we can get you started on your Journey and with a Free Consultation.