FLyefit Dumbbells

Jordan White

  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle Gain
  • Sports Performance
  • Strength and Power
  • Olympic Weight Lifting
  • Cardiovascular Fitness

Email: bestofthebest19@yahoo.com

Mobile: 0862041787

Hi, my name is Jordan White and I am a fully qualified Level 4 Personal Trainer & Fitness Coach!

My passion for PT/Coaching is unbelievable, as it’s the only thing I know. My fitness career started when I was 4 doing kickboxing/Tae Kwon Do. My biggest achievement in that was winning the World Kickboxing Championships 3 times. From cutting weight drastically every fight, I decided I wanted to learn how to improve my fitness and learn how to lose fat the right way.

I have recently finished my level 7 college degree in Sports Management and Coaching in Technology University of Dublin.

I love every type of training, whether that’s Hypertrophy, Strength, Power lifting, CrossFit, Muscular endurance, I love it all!

My plans cater for all types of people, whether you want to:

  • Lose fat
  • Gain muscle
  • Improve sport performance
  • Build strength & power
  • Improve on Olympic weight lifting
  • Improve cardiovascular fitness
  • Get into a routine
  • Change your lifestyle
  • Gain confidence

If you are looking for a PT/Coach to help you reach your goals, look no further. Contact me today for your free consultation!

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