FLyefit Dumbbells

Jordan Smyth

  • Fat loss
  • Muscle gain
  • Strength Gain
  • Body recomposition/ Transformation
  • Sport Specific Training
  • Diet & Supplementation Advice

Email: jordansmythfitness@gmail.com

Meet Jordan

Hi guys, I’m Jordan. I’m one of the personal trainers here in FLYEfit Dundrum. I’m here to help make goals achievable for anyone who needs my help. Full qualified level 4 Personal trainer and qualified level 3 Gym Instructor from the highest ranked fitness academy in Ireland. I have several years of training under my belt with some amazing coaches, bodybuilders and fitness professionals. I have done several transformations from losing body fat to gaining muscle. I have a passion for helping people achieve their goals and become happier, healthier and more confident.
I also specialize in:
• Body recomposition
• Strength training
• Nutrition and supplementation advice

Hopefully with my help we can achieve your goals just like so many of my previous clients.
Feel free to get in touch anytime by using my links.

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