FLyefit Dumbbells

Fiona Byrne

Personal Trainer

  • Weight loss
  • Muscle growth
  • Body recomposition

Mail : Fionabcoaching@gmail.com

Hi my name is Fiona and I’m a personal trainer and S&C coach here in FLYEfit.

I’m very passionate about helping you achieve your goals whether it’s weight loss, muscle growth, body recomposition, or a sports specific goal. With over 5 years of experience in the gym, I want to help you get closer to your goals, build healthier habits while improving your relationship with food.

I will be here to hold you accountable while motivating you and making training as enjoyable as possible! I’m available for 1-1 PT, 2-1 PT or online coaching.

Get in touch with me for a free consultation to talk about your goals 🙂

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