FLyefit Dumbbells

Caio Felipe

Personal Trainer

  • Fat Loss
  • Muscle Gain
  • Strength & conditioning

Email : caioPT.10@outlook.com

Fitness is everything to me; I love it, I live it. I have been living this way since I started training, and I believe I bring excellent material and history with me over these 13 years that I have been on this path. I like to train in an intelligent way, mixing exercises with laughter. More than a tough time in the gym, my training sessions and classes are meant to be a good time.

Regardless of what you’re looking for—quality of life, weight loss, muscle gain, those famous Brazilian curves—I am your person!

I love the term discipline, doing what needs to be done. When I say that, I mean training, eating well, resting, and spending good times with friends and family on weekends and vacations without feeling guilty for that. There is time for everything, and all of it is important.

It’s never too late to start; if not now, when?

Give me a shot on my social Midea or email, and let’s get start.



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